Categories for Uncategorized

New Proposed Tax Changes to Certain Surplus Stripping Transactions May Require Swift Action
By McGovern Hurley

With the recent introduction of new proposed tax measures in the federal budget, we wish to draw your attention to significant changes impacting the planning opportunities surrounding certain surplus-stripping transactions. A surplus stripping transaction generally involves extracting money from a corporation in the form of capital gains (taxed at approximately 27%, assuming the highest marginal

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Important Update Regarding Filing Obligations for All Ontario Corporations
By McGovern Hurley

The Ontario Annual Return refers to a mandatory filing requirement for all corporations operating in the province of Ontario. It entails the submission of an updated list of corporate details to the provincial authorities. The details typically include information about the corporation’s directors, officers, and registered office address. The purpose of the Ontario Annual Return

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Government of Canada extends deadline for residential property owners to file their Underused Housing Tax Return!
By McGovern Hurley

ARTICLE | November 6, 2023   Owners affected by the Underused Housing Tax (UHT) will now have until April 30, 2024 to file their returns for the 2022 calendar year without being charged penalties or interest. Previously, the CRA said it would only provide relief until October 31, 2023, for affected owners who would have

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A new look.
By Glen McFarland

After more than 40 years of success, McGovern Hurley looks forward to a new decade. We approach this with an uncompromising standard of service, quality and excellence. Our wordmark is the manifestation of the authentic, extraordinary and uncompromising service McGH offers to our customers. Bringing together a sense of our history and reliability in a

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